06 September 2011

Faith of a Child

In the car today, Drew and I discussed Christianity.
B: A Christian is someone who believes in God and loves Jesus.
D: Am I a Christian?
B: What do you think?
D: Well, I do believe in God, and Jesus. And I would never pull the beard off a Santa Claus like that mean girl in Rugrats. I believe in him, too.

01 September 2011

Secret Ingredient

Last night we were enjoying some hot chocolate (oh, summer, how you've failed us!), and I asked Drew how it tasted.
"It's delicious, because it's made with love!"

I'm ready for my breakfast, now!

Drew and I got off to a rocky start this morning; he sequestered himself in his room and I've been enjoying a quiet morning downstairs. However, at regular intervals, he is yelling down the stairs, "Mommy! When you are ready to make my breakfast you can bring it up to me. Anytime now!"
Keep dreaming, kid.